Metro maintains this web site to enhance public access to information about parcels in davidson county. This site contains detailed data such as ownership, zoning and permits as well as. Mapping information is a representation of various data sources and is not a subsitute for information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon. Search real property by owner, address, or parcel id.
Mapping information is a representation of various data sources and is not a subsitute for information that would result from an accurate land survey. The information contained hereon. Search real property by owner, address, or parcel id. Search personal property by owner, address, business name, account number, or associated re parcel. All information on this site is prepared for the inventory of real property found within davidson county. All data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Click on generate print page to open a new browser window with the map image displayed. You can then use the. In no event shall davidson county, nc or the consultants of davidson county, nc be liable for any. From the use of the information contained on this site. There are six different basic searches offered (property owner name, parcel number, zoning classification, property address, sales date & price and land units/type).
There are six different basic searches offered (property owner name, parcel number, zoning classification, property address, sales date & price and land units/type).