Paramedic Salary

Paramedic Salary

2025 the average annual salary of paramedic is $50,930. In case you are finding an easy salary calculator, the average hourly pay of paramedic is $24; The average weekly pay of.

Na een dienstverband van 5 jaar bedraagt het salaris tussen de 2. 620 en 3. 844. 66 rijen see how much a paramedic job pays hourly by state. Washington is the highest paying state for paramedic jobs. Florida is the lowest paying state for paramedic jobs. 2024 the average paramedic gross salary in netherlands is 45. 542 or an equivalent hourly rate of 22.

Washington is the highest paying state for paramedic jobs. Florida is the lowest paying state for paramedic jobs. 2024 the average paramedic gross salary in netherlands is 45. 542 or an equivalent hourly rate of 22. In addition, they earn an average bonus of 683. 2025 the average paramedic ambulance gross salary in amsterdam, netherlands is 50. 282 or an equivalent hourly rate of 24. This is 18% higher (+ 7. 490) than the average. Hoeveel verdient een paramedicus in nederland? Het gemiddelde paramedicus salaris in nederland is 39. 000 per jaar of 20,00 per uur. De aanvangsposities beginnen vanaf. Het gemiddelde salaris voor paramedic in nederland is 2. 777 per jaar. Klik hier en bekijk het totale salaris, recent gedeelde salarissen en meer!

Klik hier en bekijk het totale salaris, recent gedeelde salarissen en meer!

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