Stranded Deep More Than 2 Players

Stranded Deep More Than 2 Players

What do we have to look forward to? As of now, stranded deep only allows for 2 people to play in one world together. In the future that might change but right now its only 2.

It can barely even handle a second player when there is one. Get ready for lots of bugs. I beat the game with my girlfriend but it took a lot of working with the game to get it to work right. I feel like the. 2021 ive realised that you can only do a 2 player multiplayer and i personally think they should add up to 4 players like a normal survival game because i dont want to keep switching.

I beat the game with my girlfriend but it took a lot of working with the game to get it to work right. I feel like the. 2021 ive realised that you can only do a 2 player multiplayer and i personally think they should add up to 4 players like a normal survival game because i dont want to keep switching. Stranded deep only supports up to 2 players. Find out more about stranded deep stranded deep.

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Stranded Deep